Monday, November 1, 2010

OMG... it's November 2010... what?

I haven't posten in a very long time.

Basic update...

Living the grad school life... 10 weeks in... I can hardly believe it! I am really enjoying school and I love my program and my graduate assistantship :)

I am learning a lot about counseling, and a lot about myself as well. Going through a lot of challenging experiences. Being in this program is really forcing me to self-reflect and think about the person I want to be. They say we are going to change a lot over these two years of grad school, and the way it's making me look at myself, I definitely believe it. I have a lot of work to do.

This grad school phase is interesting. I never anticipated to be feeling the way I do about life. Becoming more of an adult, taking on more responsibilities, and being more independent... defitinitely a different feeling than undergrad. I don't really know how to describe it other than that.

I wish I posted more... I'm going to try to do it more often.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

SanFran Experience

My trip to San Francisco was AMAZING! What a refreshing experience to have! I arrived on Friday, July 16th and realized that this was the 1st time I was traveling all on my own to a place where I new absolutely no one. I was a bit anxious when I first realized this, but I reminded myself of how great an opportunity I had awaiting me.

From my first interaction with my fellow teammates, I knew that I was in for a week with supportive people. During the weekend, I ended up having a lot more free time than I had anticipated. I was able to travel around San Francisco and see many things (Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz from afar, AT&T park, downtown Palo Alto, and Stanford's beautiful campus). I stayed in Roble Hall, where LeadAmerica housed two conferences (Engineering and Leadership University). Throughout the week I was the leader for 15 high school students; an experience that I had never had before. I quickly realized that despite all of the experience I had at JMU, working with a different age group was a whole new playing field. I learned that every experience is a new one and you always have to expect the unexpected.

I had a great time with my students during the week, and learned a lot from them as well as the other leaders, my teammates. My favorite term that we taught was "Unconditional Support." It is pretty self-explanatory but a nice way to remind people to show respect towards others.

Monday, July 5, 2010

3 month recap!

I have not written on here in over 3 months... oops!

Here's what's been going on:

Got accepted into Radford, UGA and the Peace Corps.
Decided to go to Radford and pursue a degree in Counselor Education.
Found my future roomie in one of my classes at JMU... it was destiny :)
Signed a lease to live in Copper Beech in Radford.
Dislocated my knee the week before finals... that was a pain to deal with.
The week right before finals was the most stressful week of my entire undergrad years.
Fortunately, I survived.
Graduated May 8th from JMU :)
Traveled to the OBX for a week with JMU friends and lived the life.
Watched the sun rise on the beach from my bed.
Layed out on the beach.
Read some books by the pool.
Bought JMU football tickets [against VT and homecoming!]
Went to Delaware to Elyse's beach house.
Explored Bethany Beach and Ocean City on one cold summer day.
Visited my Grammie and family in Lavale, Maryland.
Drove to Connecticut with Alaina, Kelly, and Kat.
Saw Dave Matthews Band in concert.
Drove to Long Island, New York for Jenn's graduation party.
Spent some time in Harrisonburg here and there.
Volunteered a couple days with JMU Orientation.
Celebrated one of my best friends' 40th birthday at Guadalajara's in VB.
Went to Maryland to visit Nicole with Alaina.
Saw PHISH in concert.
Lived the life of a tourist for three days in Virginia Beach with Alaina and her family.
Layed out by the pool and soaked in the sun.

Future events:

Enjoying home for a few more days.
OBX with Grammie.
July 16th-24th I am flying out to San Francisco! A few days ago I was offered a position with LeadAmerica to lead students through a leadership conference at Stanford University! I am VERY excited about this opportunity. My summer feels like it will finally have a purpose and a reason to be productive. From what I have heard so far, everything I will be doing with the students I have experienced before at JMU, and it is what I want to do in the future with my career as a school counselor.

After that I will return home for a few days... then head to Harrisonburg to pack up my townhome and move to Radford on August 6th! Only 31 more days to go! I am really looking forward to this new change in my life and to meet new people :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

University of Geogria

On March 1-3 I went on a 9 hour road trip down to Georgia with one of my close friends Mary Elizabeth to go for my grad school at the University of Georgia! Took the whole day to drive, but it was not bad... and besides- I love driving! We did not do much while we were down there, because the driving took a lot of energy out of us.

There was BEAUTIFUL weather both driving days, but the one day I had to drive to Athens/UGA... it was SNOWING! I could not believe it! I just could not get away from the snow. It made me nervous, since I have never been to UGA... I was so anxious about getting there on time. Luckily, I made it 20 minutes early! I was a little nervous before the interview, but once it got started I knew I was doing well. About one hour after my interview, I received a call from the program coordinator, and they offered me a spot in the program! I was completely blown away- I never really expected to get in. I considered it a far reach school. The whole day I could not stop smiling, it just felt so good!

They requested that I let them know as soon as possible, preferably as soon as right after Spring Break. I did some more research, looking at the finances and trying to see if it could be a reality I could handle. There are lots of factors to consider. On the plus side- the program is absolutely phenomenal, I love that they emphasize diversity and teamwork, and it is also in a great location. On the down side- out-of-state costs are extremely high, the distance from home, and it starts soon after graduation in May.

I was ready to make my decision before I left for LA, but I figured I should give it a week to sink in and digest my thoughts. I am planning to let them know my decision this week.

As far as other future options, I have not heard anything back yet from the Peace Corps or other schools... so I still have more to look forward to!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oh Time... why do you do this to me?

I have made a lot of options for myself next year... I think I have made 6 total. I am so lucky that I have ability to do such a wonderful thing for myself. I have only heard a definite from one opportunity, and it has really put me in a strange mood. One of excitement and thrill and also of worry and questioning. Thinking day in and day out... Imagining my life in these different situations, probably wasting my time since I don't know what's really going to happen. I just feel like a totally different person than from last everyday thinking has totally made a 180 shift. I can't stand my mood lately... Maybe once I get out of the burg and on the road it will help... Only got to get through tomorrow and Saturday... then I'm FREE!!! AHHH. I'm making a goal that while I am on my trips to GA and LA I am not going to sit and ponder about the future. I need to occupy my mind with something else...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Food For Thought

I read this line in Stephen Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" yesterday, and it really made me think more than twice about it. Thought it was worth posting...definitely words of wisdom.

"Remember frustration is a function of our expectations, and our expectations are often a reflection of the social mirror rather than our own values and priorities."

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Admitted to Grad School... Yesssss

Yesterday I received an email from my new academic advisor from Radford University... and today I received my acceptance letter in the mail!!!! I can't believe I got in somewhere! What a relief! It feels so good to know, but now reality of the future is definitely setting in- and it's a strange feeling. It's like one of those things you dream about for years, and now it's almost here! I am hoping that I can hear back from all of the places that I have applied to before I have to make a decision... I still don't know what I am going to do... UGH

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Waiting, Wishing, Hoping

7 days of hell coming up (4 papers, 3 exams, and 1 presentation). Plan to work my butt off this weekend and thinking about GA and LA to keep my motivating HIGH.

March 1st I will be driving down to Georgia for my UGA interview on March 2nd!! I am really excited for this 3-day road trip with Mary Elizabeth! I miss her so much. I know we will have a blast on the 9 hour drive down... Then back to JMU 2 days of class... THEN flying out to LA CUIDAD DE LOS ANGELES!! <3 Pure love.

Also, I should be hearing from Radford by mail by next Friday!!!

Still in the freak out stage, but as I find out more and more from the places I have applied to the more excited I get!

In the meantime, I will be keeping my hopes up and my dreams alive as I sit back, waiting, wishing and hoping... :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Here are my thoughts for today... they might seem to jump around a bit- but hopefully they will make some sense.

I really wanted to get away this weekend, but it just did not work out how I wanted it to. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason, and in a way I am glad that I stayed at school this weekend. Last night I went and saw "Valentine's Day" with the girls, and it was such a great night (and a great movie too!!)

The movie was great because it's something that everyone can watch. There were many different scenarios related to love. One of my favorite parts of the movie was when there was something said along the lines of when you love someone you have to love them for their whole selves- love them for the things you like AND dislike about them (I guess this is what unconditional love would be).

There were some other good things that I took away from the movie too... I can't wait to look up some quotes from it soon.

Another reason why I am glad I stayed at school this weekend was because I had this really great conversation with one of my best friends today. We are both in similar points in our life, and it was one of those conversations where you really start to see the things more clearly.

I find that most of the time when you talk to your friends about problems or issues you are facing in your life, they are quick to give advice and tell you what to do. I am definitely guilty of this a lot myself. You want to give your opinion and advice because you care about your friend, and you want to help them; you want to make them happy again.

One lesson I have learned this semester came from my Intro to Counseling class- "Client self-determination" which is when you are counseling someone, you do not offer advice or give your opinion, you prompt the client with questions and give guidance to help the client make their own decisions about their own life. Because no matter what advice you give, the client is ultimately going to make their own decision and they are going to do what they want to do. Now I know that not everyone is going to be a counselor in their life, but this really makes sense to me. I do want to do counseling in the future, but I also want to use this technique in my own life when talking to friends. It means a lot to me when I can talk to a friend and they can truly listen and support me in my decisions.

Here is a quote by Proust related to life lessons/experiences: "We do not receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us."

So in receiving advice from others, I think that it is important to listen to others and hear their perspectives, but it is also important to remind yourself that you have to make your own decisions- you have to think for yourself. On the flip side, in listening to others, you have to remember that people are going to make their own decisions and they need to make the decision that is right for them, not what you think is right or wrong.

Being in college, I have gone through so many experiences; some great and some not so great. Overall, I am thankful for every single experience I have had, even the bad ones, because they have all taught me something different in life. Just like the quote says, it's a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why Worry

Somehow the topic of "Worry" was brought up in a conversation today... and I think that it is something I need to take time to reflect on.

I have never viewed myself as much of a worrier, but these days I think I spend a lot of time doing it.

When I came to college, I decided to room with a random roommate, and I often got a lot of questions from others... Why would you want to room with someone you don't know? What are you going to do if this happens...if that happens...? I really hated hearing these kinds of questions. I felt like the other people were worrying more for me than I was for myself. I would just respond saying, "I'm not going to spend my time worrying about different scenarios that I do not even know are going to happen. I'm just going to wait, see what happens, and deal with it when it gets here." I feel like I had a GREAT attitude towards worrying.

So now 1/3 of the way through my last semester, and I feel worry everyday... about my future. I'm not really worried that something bad will happen, more concerned about which path to take when I have all my opportunities laid out on the table (Grad School or Peace Corps).

If I go into Grad School-
Where will I go? What will the environment be like? What kind of friends will I make? How will my relationships change? Will I like the program and still want to do school counseling? After getting my degree will I be prepared to do the best job possible (will I have enough experience to fule my passion in my career)?

If I go into Peace Corps- How will I handle being away from family in friends? How will my relationships change? How will my thinking and passions in life change after the Peace Corps? Will I still want to go to Grad School? Will I still want to be a school counselor, or will my whole career plan change? Will I lose other opportunities by leaving this life for 27 months?

I feel like choosing Peace Corps is definitely the harder option, but I know it will be most rewarding. Am I ready to make a decision like this?

I came across a quote today that really got me thinking:
"Three things you don't recover: words said, time gone, and opportunities."

I wonder if all of these questions and worry stem from the way I prefer to live... I seek comfort in knowing where my life is going. I like plans and structure. Or do I worry and think of all these because my heart is being pulled in different directions; because it is scared of missing and losing the relationships that I have invested in for so many years. Sometimes it is hard to be confident in knowing the people I care about the most will still be there for me down the road. I know I need to realize if they matter that much and are meant to be there, then they will be.

This blog may come across as me freaking out (at least that is how it feels), but it feels REALLY good to get my thoughts and emotions out there. I kind of feel some of the weight of worry lifted off my shoulders, because I have released it.

I just wish I could have the same attitude as I did when I decided to room with a random roommate. I will I had the mindset:"I'm not going to spend my time worrying about different scenarios that I do not even know are going to happen. I'm just going to wait, see what happens, and deal with it when it gets here."

I guess it is a little different because my options have a lot more to them... two totally different paths of life.

Tomorrow brings a new day, and hopefully some new thoughts.
Thank you for reading...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Things I love Today

The sun shining & beautiful weather /:/ Being back in my townhome at JMU (I've missed my room and MY BED) /:/ Reuniting with my roomies! /:/ Valley Church on Sundays /:/ Loving to watch some football! /:/ Having nothing to do /:/ My January mix on iTunes


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Thank You to Some Special People

This is a tribute to people who have been my rock through my growing up years... through high school... and are still there for me today. Thanks to the support from these individuals, I stay motivated and inspired to keep reaching higher and higher. I am truly blessed by these people, and they make me feel on top of the world. I am so fortunate to have these people in my life! "Remember the ones who love you" was my senior quote below my senior picture in the yearbook. Ms.Yorke, my Spanish teacher and Yearbook advisor, would say this a lot. It was something I always wanted to remember, which is why it was my senior quote!

I chose to use this picture with all of the hands in a circle and with my name in the middle as a symbol: I am a product of the love and support that these wonderful people have invested in me through the years. ---- "No matter where we go in life, we take a little of each other with us."

More to come when I graduate from JMU! I plan to add more people around this picture who I have met through my college years and had a significant impact on my life. <3

I am so fortunate

Today I woke up, and I knew that it was going to be a GREAT day- simply because I had made plans to meet with some wonderful people!

Visiting Granby...

This morning I went to my high school (Granby) and visited some of my favorite people! I intended to go today because I am doing an independent study next semester to develop a mentor program for students with learning disabilities. I was not quite sure what kind of information I would get, but I met with several faculty and learned a lot about the programs that are being implemented at Granby. Such an inspiration for my project and my career in the future. I am really looking forward to gathering information from a variety of resources and creating my very own program.

Lunch with Mrs.Prewett...

Next, I had lunch with my guidance counselor from high school, Mrs.Prewett. She has been a great mentor and support for me through the years, and I love coming home and letting her know all of the wonderful things I have been doing while at JMU. It makes me happy to show her that her hard work certainly paid off. She keeps me motivated to keep aiming higher and higher for success.

Visiting Mom's work...

Finally, I visited my mom's work. She works at a hair salon, and has been doing hair for about 40 years. I pretty much grew up in the beauty salon, as she started bringing me in there since I was an infant! Once I was able to walk and talk I would help out all the operators in there by cleaning their station and sweeping up hair. It was a great way to earn a little money so I could buy my own toys and candy and such. I always loved helping them, and this is probably where I developed the love to help others! A majority of the clients that get their hair done there have seen me through many stages of my life and have watched me grow into a young lady. It is always a pleasure to go in and see how they are doing. One lady, in particular, that I love to go see is Mrs.Salasky. She has known me for well over 10 years, and I have always admired her. She is so classy, beautiful, and thoughtful. I hope that as I grow older that I can grow to be like her.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If This Isn't love by Jennifer Hudson

It this isn’t love, tell me what it is
‘Cause I could be dreaming or just plain crazy
It this isn’t love, tell me what it is
‘Cause I never felt like this baby
If this isn’t love

L-O-V-E, what is in me
L-O-V-E, oh if this isn’t love
L-O-V-E, what is in me
L-O-V-E, oh if this isn’t love

Monday, January 4, 2010

Tough Decisions

I really despise tough decisions... Especially when you have to say "no" to an opportunity that you have looked forward to for years.

This decision is about classes I am taking this coming semester. I have to take 16 credits to graduate, but there is this one other class that I have always wanted to take. The problem is, it's 3 more credits to add to my class schedule, and my already busy life. Seems like it would be a common sense decision to make. If I used my head more than my heart, this decision would have already been made.

When it comes down to it, you really have to lay out all of your responsibilities and time commitments out on the table. Organize your life activities in order of importance -and don't forget to add time for yourself to the equation. I've definitely learned from past experience, that if you don't save time to take care of yourself, then you can't do anything else.

After writing this blog, I feel like I know what the right decision is... but I think I'm going to give it a few days and let my thoughts sink in. Hopefully with some time and prayer the decision will come to me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things I love today

The new Rihanna CD "Rated R" /:/ Hanging out with Emily and baby Tristan /:/ Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual sale <3 /:/ Watching the Kardashians (I have recently become addicted to watching them on E! since I have nothing else important to do over this winter break) /:/ Spending time with family /:/ Being 21 and finally going to the bar to get a drink whenever I feel like it /:/ Finding reasons to be happy :D


2010 - It's really here...

I am so excited for this year! I have so much to look forward to...

I have all of my graduate applications ready to be submitted and will be sending them before the end of this month. I am applying for school counseling, and I am so glad to have finally found something that would be a perfect fit for me! I have decided to apply to five schools: Radford, ECU, UGA, VCU, and ODU. I hope and pray that I get in somewhere, and will be keeping my fingers crossed...

I have also applied for the Peace Corps, just for fun. Not really sure if I really want to do it, but since you have to apply 9-12 months in advance, I figured who knows what I would be thinking by the time I would find out if I am accepted. So far I am on step 6 out of 9 (woohoo!) I have already passed so many steps, and am currently at the nomination step. I have been nominated to the Central/South America region. I picked this area as one of my top choices, because I want to go somewhere Spanish speaking! Me encanta la lengua de espanol y yo quiero practicar mas!!

I think I will probably hear from both Peace Corps and the grad schools around the same time. Depending on which path I decide to go down, this decision will have a significant impact on where my future leads. Such a scary but thrilling choice to make. I am so happy that I don't have to make the decision today, and instead, I can focus on other things... such as my final semester at JMU!

This semester is going to be great and filled with a lot of activities. I will be one busy lady, but staying busy is what I love and what drives me. However, I want to keep in mind my main focuses, and I have come up with four of them:

1) Keeping my classes first, and taking advantage of my last semester of learning at JMU.
2) Presiding over FORJMU and making sure that we put a lot of effort into our projects this semester. I am really looking forward to welcoming new members and bonding time!

3) Co-Leading an Alternative Spring Break trip to Los Angeles with my girl Jessie! We will be leading 10 participants and 1 JMU faculty member to LA where we will work with Aids Project Los Angeles (

4) Creating time for ME! I really want to save time to go to church on Sundays, go to UREC more regularly, and enjoy my busy life!

This is only half of my 2010 year! Who knows what will happen in the other half...